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Can a syllabus get students excited for your course? 是什么能让学生们回来呢? These seven design elements can help students get the most out of your syllabus, 让他们为课程做好准备, 把课堂的重点放在未来的学习目标上. The 引人入胜的教学大纲设计:OU的例子 说明了所有这些设计元素.

Write an introductory message with a personable explanation of the syllabus’ layout.

An official welcome to the course can be your “pitch” for the course--why they should read on and be excited about what lays ahead of them. Bain (2004) promotes a “promising” tone in the syllabus, which states what students have to gain from your course in broad and specific terms. 从那里, use a paragraph or two to simplify the navigation of the syllabus: explain which sections explain what materials they need to be ready, 他们如何提前计划课程安排, 一个典型的课堂是什么样的. Explain how policies and “ground rules” are meant to support students and make sure they achieve their goals.

Humanize yourself in the “Professor Information” section.

Along with the logistical information students need to contact you, use this section as an opportunity to help students understand who is leading them through this learning environment.

  • With your name, explain how you should be addressed. Many higher-ed op-eds have been dedicated to the topic of how students should address you, 学生们对这个话题感到紧张, as they are told different things by different faculty. Help students navigate this etiquette by explaining directly how they should address you.
  • 包括识别图像, whether a profile photo, avatar, or different image that represents you. Use this image in your Moodle and email profiles as well.
  • 分享个人简介. Explain your work and academic experience to give students an idea of how you arrived to the front of their classroom. Share your talents outside of course content, hobbies, and other relatable info about yourself.
  • Express your goals and values as it relates to their success. This can be done in a couple of brief sentences and can enforce that you can work with them beyond speaking from the pulpit. Express if you are most passionate about promoting undergraduate research, 服务学习, 实习, and other student success opportunities that extend beyond tests and homework.

Condense policy “legalese,” and link out as needed.

While policies get bogged down with fine print, they serve important purposes for students. We want students to feel safe, supported, respected, and responsible. We want students to know the “ground rules” well ahead of time so that they avoid unpleasant situations later on. Yet the more text we include in these policies, the less likely students are to benefit from them. 因此, consider how you can condense policies to the main points students need to know, and provide students links to more information as they need it. 

Articulate protocol in positives rather than negatives.

Without altering course policies, how can you emphasize positive opportunities rather than penalties? 例如, 如果迟交的作业只得到一半的学分, explain that these assignments can “earn up to half credit” rather than “lose half credit.” It can also help to briefly explain the rationale for these rules.

Explain learning expectations, with concrete ways to meet them.

All of the information on our syllabi can still leave students wondering how much time they should expect to dedicate to a course. If students repeatedly seem to misunderstand what is expected of them in and out of class, consider explicitly stating some of these expectations. 这里有几个例子.

  • 提问方式. 学生什么时候应该给你发邮件提问? 他们还有其他选择吗? 
  • 技术备份计划. Explain how students should use cloud storage and plan on alternative ways to access internet to prevent losing their digital work.
  • 使用Moodle和电子邮件的频率. How often should students check their email for class updates? 他们应该多久监控一次自己的成绩? 

Identify opportunities for the class to personalize their syllabus.

  • Design the banner image that should go at the top of the syllabus
  • Define “ground rules” for respect and civility (e.g. how to facilitate controversial discussions, technology use).
  • Suggest policies and resources that should be added.

Use heading styles and links in an electronic version of the syllabus.

As you create your syllabus in Microsoft Word or Google Docs, use the headings styles to organize sections of the document. This creates a clickable outline that allows students (and you) to easily navigate the syllabus. Consider sharing this Word or Google Docs version of the syllabus as well so that students can take advantage of this clickable document. Sharing an electronic version also allows you to link out to additional resources and OU websites without further bogging down the syllabus. e-LIS’ 数码可读文件的帮助文件 解释和说明标题样式.


For more syllabus design considerations, visit CETL’s 课程资源 page.

Save and adapt a Google Doc version of this teaching tip.

由克里斯蒂娜•摩尔编写和设计, 卓越教学中心 at 十大菠菜台子. 更新于2020年11月20日. 其他人可以分享和适应 知识共享许可协议.

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