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十大菠菜台子’s Human 资源 Development (HRD) degree will empower you with the skills and knowledge to prepare you for a successful career in corporate, 公共, 私人, 政府, 或者非盈利部门. 你可以用你的 HRD程度 to become an HR professional, school administrator, training supervisor, consultant and so much more.

你的承诺 is the university's commitment to provide undergraduate students with the opportunity for meaningful, 实践学习. 人力资源开发 students in the School of Education and Human Services engage in experiential  learning through their participation in internships, professional development as well as student and professional organizations, 包括:

HRD -本科学历HRD -未成年人请求更多信息

OU’s Human 资源 Development degree focuses on:

  • 组织发展
  • 培训和发展
  • career and leadership development
  • employment systems and standards

的 Human 资源 Development program covers topics in these focus areas related to instructional design and delivery, 项目评估, 绩效考核, 人员甄选, 招聘, 道德, 组织发展, 领导原则, 劳动关系, 就业法, 员工参与, 文化多样性. 研究生s are prepared with conceptual knowledge, and technical and interpersonal skills for a variety of careers in HR and other fields.

Students complete the core curriculum and have the option of choosing between four areas of emphasis by adding a minor to their degree program. Courses for any one of the four Human 资源 Development minors can be used to satisfy the HRD focus areas of the HRD program plan or general electives. Students can earn a minor in Applied Leadership Skills, Employment Systems and Standards, or Training and Development in addition to earning their bachelor of science in Human 资源 Development. 的se minors are also available to any student admitted to the university.

OU’s School of Education and Human Services offers a minor in human resource development for students other than HRD majors who wish to strengthen their academic majors with course work in human resource development.

This program is available at the below two locations. For academic advising, please contact:

罗切斯特大学 (主校区)
(248) 370-4182

麦库姆大学 (马科姆大学中心)
劳里Shano,  学术顾问

For additional info, visit the 人力资源发展谘询网页.


Any student can obtain a Lean Minor within the HRD curriculum by successfully completing the following coursework:


  • HRD 3510 - Principles of Leadership
  • HRD 4200 -变更流程
  • HRD 3210 - Group/Team Development and Leadership

Total Core Credits: 12 credits

Lean Management Minor Courses

  • HRD 3600 - Lean Principles and Practices in Organizations
  • HRD 4600 - Lean Kaizen in Organizations
  • HRD 4610 -精益绿带

Total Lean Management Minor Credits: 22 credits

Lean 本科 Certificate 


  • HRD 3510 - Principles of Leadership
  • HRD 3600 - Lean Principles and Practices in Organizations
  • HRD 4600 - Lean Kaizen in Organizations
  • HRD 4610 -精益绿带

Total Lean Management Minor Credits: 14 credits

Department of Organizational Leadership

(248) 370-2730

(248) 370-3070

(248) 370-4109