博士的照片. 俄勒冈州立大学艾略特大厦附近的吉勒姆
琳达·吉勒姆博士.D., founding associate dean for Academic and 教员事务, near OU's Elliott Tower in 2018.

有两件事让琳达.D., smile instantly: talking about the excitement of what it was like to be involved in launching OUWB — and w在这里 the school is today.

毕竟, 作为学术和学院事务的创始副院长, 吉勒姆是该校继罗伯特•福尔伯格之后聘请的第二位员工, M.D.,创始院长. 她于2019年退休.

Gillum在OUWB的几乎所有事情中都扮演着关键角色, from establishing the school’s culture and coordinating the school’s successful 认证 ——然后 re认证 — to overseeing launch of key OUWB events and being a member of the inaugural Dean’s Advisory Board.

在周五, Gillum will add to her list of OUWB accomplishments when she returns to campus to serve as commencement speaker for the Class of 2024.


““It’s been like watching a child grow when I see the progress that’s been made at OUWB,吉勒姆说。. “I feel humbled because we really didn’t know how the whole trajectory (of OUWB) would evolve, and also deeply honored to know that someone thought I might have something to share with the graduating class.”

克里斯托弗·卡彭特,硕士.D., 斯蒂芬·夏普,临时院长, said Gillum is the perfect commencement speaker because “it's important for our OUWB community to recognize those instrumental in its founding and to bring us back to our roots.”

“Dr. 吉勒姆在推动学校发展方面发挥了重要作用, 包括担任教务处的创始副院长, 引导我们通过最初的成功认证, 引领我们的多样性, 公平和包容努力,他说.

“It's important for the graduates to know the history of OUWB and what efforts made it possible for all of us to be 在这里 today.


Gillum is nationally recognized for her contributions to the development of faculty in academic medicine and has been a leading proponent of evidence-based approaches to faculty mentorship in medical education.

In 2008, she joined OUWB, w在这里, among other things, she established and secured funding for The 医学教育卓越中心 (CEME),以支援教师的教学. Gillum还推出了OUWB 医学教育周. 进一步, she served as the OUWB coordinator for the successful Liaison Committee on 医疗 教育 (LCME) provisional, 初步, 以及完整的认证过程.


“Dean Folberg was very kind and really allowed me to lead the 认证 team through the site visit,”她说。. “That was the most exciting day I can ever remember in my professional career because everything was on the line at that time.”

Gillum said that everyone involved with OUWB at the time was very proud of the feedback — and subsequent 认证 — provided by LCME.

博士的照片. 吉勒姆和学生们在2018年OUWB暑期衔接课程

Gillum works with middle school 学生 during one of OUWB's summer pathway programs in 2018.

“We had hoped they could see the difference that we were trying to create in our culture, 以及我们为全体教员所做的努力, 学生, 和工作人员,”她说。.


在OUWB之前, Gillum served for almost 20 years at the University of Michigan 医疗 School as a member of the faculty and assistant dean of 学生 w在这里 she was responsible for medical 学生, 居民, 以及研究生研究项目.

She also served as a primary research advisor and clinical supervisor for postdoctoral fellows and led the Office of 教员事务 at the medical school, which launched numerous faculty development and mentorship programs and implemented the Michigan 多样性, 股本, 及共融策略计划.

Gillum was selected as an American Council on 教育 (ACE) Fellow and was later recognized as a Fellow of the Oxford University International Roundtable. 在普林斯顿大学获得ACE奖学金一年之后, 她被提升为密歇根大学的教务长助理, w在这里 she led and promulgated initiatives on high-impact faculty research, 晋升和终身职位的政策和做法.

吉勒姆是这几个组织的成员, such as the Association of American 医疗 Colleges Group on Women in Medicine and Science. 进一步, she has been honored by the Michigan Women’s Foundation and The Bates Street Society for her significant contributions to support community health and wellness, 鼓励和培养高中学生从事STEM职业. (完整的个人简介可以找到 在这里.)

Gillum was elected to the Cranbrook 教育al 社区 Board of Trustees in 2007 and was elected chair of the board in 2022. She also serves on the Priority Health Board of Directors and is a member of the OUWB Dean’s Advisory Board.


吉勒姆从她在牛津大学的时候就说过, she is most proud of the fact that the school was accredited and that a unique culture was established that’s been sustained.




Orientation kicks-off for Class of 2024 at 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院

“在OUWB, 我们被驱使着去创造一种非常, very helpful to our 学生 and make their lives better as they matriculated through medical school,”她说。. “We knew that if we had a culture that could be transmitted to our 学生, 他们会把一种不同的做法传递给他们的病人.”

The driving force behind the culture came from a physician at what is now Corewell健康 who challenged the OUWB team with one question: how do you train a physician to be kind?

“那句话就在我的桌子上,”吉勒姆说. “我们把这一点放在我们所做的一切工作的首位.”

That approach will be among the topics Gillum said she plans to talk about during the OUWB Class of 2024’s commencement.

She’ll also touch on what it was like to essentially start a medical school with a blank sheet of paper, 被这个机会迷住了, and have the courage to take advantage of it — and how it feels to see it all play out in 2024.

“我们不知道其他人是否能看到, feel or understand that we were trying to change the way medical 学生 would be taught,”她说。.


2024届OUWB毕业生的毕业典礼定于下午2点.m.他于5月10日在欧华信用合作社奥雷纳分校(O 'rena)接受了采访. More details, including a livestream link at the time of the event, can be found 在这里.

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at (电子邮件保护).

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