Gifted mausoleum supports new body donation program at OUWB
An image of a ribbon being cut in front of the vault
Officials from OUWB, Pixley Funeral Homes, 10月11日,罗彻斯特市为奥巴马陵墓和接待库剪彩. 28, 2022. (Photo by Rob Hall Photography)

Representatives from OUWB, 罗彻斯特, 和Pixley殡仪馆最近公布了一个陵墓,将成为那些慷慨捐赠遗体用于医学教育的人的最后安息之地.

On a glorious autumn afternoon, about 30 people attended the Oct. 为位于埃文山公墓的OUWB陵墓和接收库剪彩, near downtown 罗彻斯特.

通过最近启动的OUWB遗体捐赠计划,这些遗体将被捐赠给医学教育. 该建筑的使用是由罗切斯特市捐赠的实物,由Pixley监督重新设计.

“我们非常感谢Pixley家族与我们合作,支持我们的医学生教育, 研究, the university,” said Ora Hirsch Pescovitz, M.D., president, Oakland University. “这种真诚的实物礼物将影响我们的医科学生和其他专业的学生,如物理治疗, or biological engineering.”

“这种合作关系意味着我们可以为医学生提供进行有价值研究的机会, 同时确保遗体捐献者得到最具同情心的安葬,” said Vern Pixley, Dignity Memorial Senior Managing Director, Central Business Unit.

“没有这个,我们就不可能有遗体捐赠计划,”医学博士马利·巴伦卡拉(Malli Barremkala)说.D., associate professor, Department of Foundational 医疗 Studies, founding director of OUWB’s Body Donation Program.

“I’m so excited it’s all finally coming together.”

‘Nothing even comes close’

An image of the exterior of the vault
A look at the front entrance of the redesigned vault.


学生 study the same donor throughout the course of the school year, often consider donors their first patients.

Stefanie Attardi, Ph.D., assistant professor, Department of Foundational 医疗 Studies, 他说,一个人能做的“最好的礼物”莫过于将自己的身体捐献给医学教育. Attardi was among several OUWB faculty who attended the ribbon-cutting.

“There is all this new software and fancy ways to teach anatomy, 但没有什么能接近真正的人体…不同的病理, different body types, 等等......,”她说。.

To honor the donors and show appreciation for their donation,  a memorial service is hosted by the medical and physical therapy students. 为了向捐赠者表示敬意,学生们写诗、反思和献歌.

“Our students recognize that these donors are their first patients, treat them with great respect and reverence,” said Duane Mezwa, M.D.他也感谢了Pixley和市政府官员.


Since welcoming its first class in 2011, OUWB与托莱多大学(University of Toledo)等其他学校合作,争取遗体捐献者. 到目前为止, 捐助者已返回西非开发银行合作的组织, which then take care of the remains.

However, all of that is changing.

这是因为长期以来,为OUWB建立遗体捐赠计划一直是道格·古尔德的“首要任务”, Ph.D., professor and chair, Department of Foundational 医疗 Studies.

Among other things, 古尔德说, 拥有自己的项目为OUWB提供了一个“与社区联系的绝佳机会”,” and enables the school to collect the medical history of the donors, which will aid in the overall educational experience for students.

有了这样的项目,捐赠者火化后还需要一个埋葬骨灰的地方(除非有其他安排)。, which is where the Mount Avon mausoleum comes in. 

‘Easy to support’

An image of Vern Pixley speaking
Vern Pixley speaks at the ribbon-cutting on Oct. 28, 2022.

Mount Avon Cemetery was platted in 1826 — the first in Oakland County. In 1979, 密歇根州历史委员会将该墓地列入了该州的历史遗迹名录.

The Receiving Vault was built in the 19th 世纪最初是在冬天存放尸体,直到地面解冻. 从那时起,技术的进步使建造精美而坚固的结构过时了.


在与几位市政官员的合作下,他们确定这个废弃的保险库可以正常工作. During a regular public meeting on 12月. 13, 2021罗彻斯特市议会批准了与OUWB的协议,允许学校使用该金库.

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“这个墓地的宝石对罗切斯特市很重要,我们相信要照顾好它,” said Stuart Bikson, 市长, 罗彻斯特. “当我们可以做这样的改进,并与像Vern Pixley这样的长期商业伙伴合作时,很容易支持.”

Pixley, 谁的祖先是该地区最早的定居者之一,也是墓地里最古老的人之一, oversaw redesign of the vault that is about 17 feet by 12 feet.

新的黄铜门(通常会保持锁定)与抛光的花岗岩门槛一起添加. 在里面,安装了新的花岗岩架子,足以容纳5000个骨灰盒. 厚厚的石灰石墙壁和屋顶经受住了时间的考验,不需要任何工作.

“I’m excited about having the opportunity to be supportive of OUWB, to continue and enhance the relations with the city, 并利用墓地中存在的一个非常酷的结构来实现这样一个伟大的目的,Pixley说.

同样兴奋的还有像约瑟夫·所罗门(Joseph Solomon)这样的学生,他是OUWB的一年级医学院学生. Solomon spoke at the ribbon-cutting.

“对我来说, 很重要的一点是,我们要代表我们的班级,向罗切斯特和皮克利一家表示感谢,让他们知道,我们真的很在乎尊重那些为我们的教育和未来的医生事业付出了自己生命的捐赠者,他说.

现在, 说Mezwa, “真正繁重的工作开始于(遗体捐赠)团队制定电话脚本,并与社区合作,为我们的项目登记捐赠者.”

For more information about the OUWB Body Donor Program, email [email protected].

照片 Rob Hall Photography.

To request an interview, visit the OUWB Communications & 市场营销 网页.

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