





All sessions on 5/14 will be held in-person only at 威廉博蒙特大学附属医院,皇家橡树.

  • 8 - 9 a.m.: Pediatric Grand Rounds: Physical Activity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness as Modulators of Health Outcomes: A Compelling 研究-Based Case Presented to the 医疗 社区
  • 9 - 10 a.m.: 介绍 to Artificial Intelligence for Medicine: Lessons from Across the Healthcare AI Lifecycle
  • 10 - 11 a.m.: Preparing Clinicians for AI in Healthcare: Paradigm Shift for AI in Health Professions
  • 11 a.m. 到12点.m.:人工智能模型中的可解释性和偏差
  • 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.: AI小组讨论
  • 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.使用临床记录的机器学习:在人口健康中的应用


5月15日的所有会议将只举行现场会议t 威廉博蒙特大学附属医院,皇家橡树.

  • 8 - 9 a.m.:内科讲座:威廉·戴维森讲座. Diane Levine,医学博士, 韦恩州立大学医学院教育副主席
  • 10 - 11 a.m.以良好的判断力进行汇报
  • 11:30 a.m. 到下午12:30.m.点位超声(POCUS)对多面手的作用 
  • 1 - 3 p.m.:介入:创造尊重和包容的文化 有资格获得隐性偏见信用


  • 8 - 9 a.m.: OB/GYN Grand Rounds: Medicine from a Public Health Lens: Heading Upstream Toward Justice
  • 10 - 10:30 a.m.:海报得奖演讲
  • 10:30 a.m.研究闪电演示- schedule of presentations will be sent at a later date to those who register


  • 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.: OUWB 医学图书馆 教育al Series: Tips on Finding the Right Journal for Your Manuscript Submission


  • 维多利亚·阿诺德,B.A.
  • Tracy Wunderlich-Barillas博士.D.
  • 泰勒·巴塔利亚,MAT
  • 瑞安·福林格,m.m.D.
  • Sarah Lerchenfeldt,制药公司.D., bcp
  • 莎拉·卢
  • 罗宾·里维斯特,m.s.Ed., MBA
  • Ann Voorheis-Sargent博士.D., LPC -联合主席
  • Sandor Shoichet, m.s.D. ——主持
  • 布鲁克泰勒,公共卫生硕士,CHCP, FACEHP

13th Annual William Davidson 医疗 教育 Week at OUWB School of Medicine

2018年OUWB医学教育周期间的会议医疗 教育 Week highlights innovative research and advancements in medical education at 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院.

Its purpose is to honor faculty members who contribute to the improvement of medical education. The diverse and multifaceted program includes presentation of poster abstracts and prominent speakers from the medical education field who are invited to share insight and expertise.

OUWB’s 医疗 教育 week exists in large part because of the late William Davidson, 一位成功的商人和皇宫体育娱乐公司的创始人. In late 2007 Davidson initiated plans to donate $1 million to Beaumont with the express direction that the money be used to support medical education under the direction of his doctor and friend, 桑德尔H. Shoichet, M.D., FACP, program director, Internal Medicine Residency and 医疗 Director of Outpatient Clinics at 威廉博蒙特大学附属医院,牛津大学牛津大学医学副教授. 戴维森于2009年去世,享年86岁.                               

2019年戴维森演讲者戴维森的慷慨和肖伊切特的远见 她与Ann Voorheis-Sargent博士共同主持医学教育周.D.、导演、 牛津大学医学教育卓越中心(cme) — 使博蒙特有机会永久地资助教师发展, an area that many institutions recognize as important to an educational endeavor’s ongoing success, 尽管经常缺乏足够的资源.

One of the ways the endowment accomplishes its mission is by sponsoring a nationally esteemed medical educator to be the week’s distinguished speaker in Davidson’s name. (Shoichet与2019年的演讲者Sanjay Saint, M.D.英里/小时)

OUWB's 医疗 教育 Week also features poster abstracts reviewed and selected by the poster committee based on 清晰, 组织, 以及对教育的适用性. 今年的主题是“重塑医学教育”。.

OUWB’s 医疗 教育 Week traditionally is held in person at 威廉博蒙特大学附属医院. 有关2024年奥运会的更多信息将很快公布.



"Analysis of Impact of Hands-Only CPR 教育 on Two Cohorts of Children in an Underserved 社区"
Ekaterina Lavroushina Clark; Benjamin Goldstein, MD; Alan Silverman, DO, FACC; Virginia Uhley, 博士学位, RDN


Varna Taranikanti, MD, 博士学位; Cameron J. 戴维森博士

"教师 Peer Review: A Process to Evaluate and Improve the Quality of Teaching at the OUWB School of Medicine"
Cody Bailey-Crow, MEd, MA; Rose Wedemeyer, 博士学位; Serena Kuang, MD, 博士学位





所有十大菠菜台子的学生都可以提交作品, OUWB, 和Corewell健康附属机构,包括教职员工, 临床医生, 工作人员, 学生, 和居民.

Abstracts eligible for submission are educational innovation or educational research. These can include topics in medical education, community health education, and patient education.



教育创新摘要不超过300字, 必须包含以下部分, 方法/过程, 教育成果, 及评价方法, 而且一定和医学教育有关.

教育研究摘要以300字为限, 必须包含以下部分:简介, 方法, 结果, 结论, 而且一定和医学教育有关.

另外, you will be asked to provide a one sentence description on how your submission connects with education.

For projects with human subjects data, please include your IRB approval number on your poster.


Poster abstracts will be reviewed by the poster committee and selected based on 清晰, 组织, 教育适用性.

  • 维多利亚·阿诺德,B.A. ——主持
  • 泰勒·巴塔利亚,MAT -联合主席
  • 珍妮·德威特,m.d.Ed., PHR
  • 丹·阮,M.D.
  • 大卫·斯图尔特,MLIS
  • Ann Voorheis-Sargent博士.D.
  • Katie Weyand, B.A.


十大菠菜台子, OUWB, 或Corewell健康附属机构,包括教职员工, 临床医生, 工作人员, 居民, 学生可以提交一份海报摘要.


Projects must be education focused (medical education, community education, or patient education).


  • 教育研究 - These posters will describe a project in educational research and must include results.
  • 教育创新 - These posters will describe a current project/program undertaken or implemented in education. They do not require results but do need to describe expected outcomes and an 评估计划.


所有摘要必须在2024年1月26日(星期五)晚上11:59之前提交.m. 使用在线提交表格.


教育创新摘要不超过300字, 一定和教育有关吧, 并且必须包含以下部分:

  • 目标
  • 方法/过程
  • 评估计划
  • 教育成果

教育研究摘要以300字为限, 一定和教育有关吧, 并且必须包含以下部分:

  • 介绍
  • 方法
  • 结果
  • 讨论和结论

For projects displaying human subjects data, please include your IRB approval number on your poster.

此外,每个摘要必须包括标题和所有作者姓名. 请附上每位作者的证书(如:博士学位), MD, MS-4, 等), 部门所属, 和电子邮件地址. 所有作者将在提交摘要时收到通知.


摘要必须符合评价标准才能被接受. All poster abstracts will be blinded (all names and identifying information will be removed) and be reviewed by the 医疗 教育 Week Poster Committee based on the abstract rubric. The reviewers will evaluate poster abstracts based on the originality of the content as well as how well each of the above sections are written in terms of quality, 清晰, 方法的组织性和内部一致性(适当性), 评估计划, 等.).

Authors of abstracts that do not meet the evaluation criteria will be contacted with one opportunity to revise their abstract.


你将不迟于星期一收到一封电子邮件, 3月4日, 2024通知您的摘要接受状态.


A certificate will be awarded to each of the authors of the top poster in each category (educational innovation and educational research).

Can I submit a poster abstract that I have previously presented at another meeting or conference?

是的,你可以提交你以前提交过的摘要. 但是,您需要修改海报以匹配我们的模板.


教育研究 posters should reflect projects that are complete or mostly complete with results.

教育创新 posters do not need to contain results or completed outcomes, but should describe the expected outcomes and how the educational project/program will be evaluated.


如果你的海报将包括人类受试者的数据, 你需要及时获得IRB的批准才能展示你的海报, 并且必须在海报上包括你的IRB号码.


Yes, the template will be provided within the poster acceptance email in March.

如果我的海报摘要被接受, am I required to participate in the poster session during 医疗 教育 Week?

虽然你不需要参加, 我们强烈鼓励至少一位作者参加海报会议.


不,组委会会处理所有的印刷物流. 你只需要发送你的海报的数字文件到 (电子邮件保护).


2024年4月8日,周一,11点59分,数字海报文件截止.m. to (电子邮件保护).


请提交您的数字海报文件 .PPT和 .PDF格式.

Who should I contact if I have additional questions regarding poster abstracts or posters?

你应该联系 Tori阿诺德2024年医学教育周海报委员会的联合主席.