年轻女子对着镜头微笑. 她穿着十大菠菜台子的球衣,手拿着一枚O U的锦旗.


学生干部招聘是  迎新和新生项目 (ONSP), the  多元文化倡议中心 (CMI) 性别与性取向中心 (GSC), and 本科招生 (UGA) and the DREAM Initiative. The goal of 学生干部招聘 is to streamline five recruiting and hiring processes into one simple procedure for students interested in attaining leadership positions within ONSP, CMI GSC, UGA, and DREAM. 如果你有兴趣成为一名 Orientation Group Leader, 性别与性取向中心同伴导师或前台工作人员, CMI同伴导师或CORE大使, 本科招生指南, 或者梦想同伴导师,你只需要按照下面的步骤申请一次.

CMI Peer Mentor

CMI Peer Mentors provide guidance and model academic and social success to their mentees and to the campus community. They meet weekly on a one-on-one basis with CMI scholarship recipients to assess and monitor academic and social progress.


  • 必须在开放大学全日制注册
  • 必须至少有3分吗.0 cumulative GPA
  • 必须在大学和宿舍有良好的纪律表现
  • 必须在2024年秋季之前进入二年级吗
  • 必须具备负责任的领导能力
  • 必须有扎实的人际交往能力
  • 必须是一个积极的榜样


  • 2024年夏季为期一周的培训
  • CMI早期体验课程将于2024年8月结束/ 9月开始
  • 代表CMI办公室参加新生培训和其他学校活动
  • 在2024-25学年,每周工作8-10小时
  • 起薪为每小时15美元
  • 参加整个学年的辅助专业培训课程
  • CMI同侪导师只能参加暑期I课程

迎新组长s (OGLs) guide students and guests through the orientation experience. OGLs support student advising and registration alongside the 第一年辅导中心, 促进大学生活的各个方面, 为新同学和新客人营造温馨的氛围.


  • 必须至少有2分吗.75 cumulative GPA
  • 必须在大学和宿舍有良好的纪律表现
  • 必须在2024年秋季之前进入二年级吗


  • Four month contract beginning in late April through the first week of classes in fall 2024
  • 在合同期间,学校提供校内住宿.
  • 参加该职位所需的所有培训
  • 迎新组长不能参加暑期一的课程
  • 培养领导能力的机会, 比如群体促进, organization, 解决问题和团队建设
  • Serve as a role model while assisting in the recruitment, transition and retention of new students
  • 与迎新组长建立持久的友谊
  • $15.00 / hour
CMI CORE Ambassador

CMI CORE Ambassadors meet weekly in one-on-one sessions with program participants to assess and monitor academic and social progress. 大使向项目参与者提供有关课程的信息, support services, 学术课程和咨询.


  • 必须在开放大学全日制注册
  • 必须至少有2分吗.65 cumulative GPA
  • 必须在大学和宿舍有良好的纪律表现
  • 必须在2024年秋季之前进入二年级吗
  • 必须参与校园社区
  • 必须有扎实的人际交往能力


  • 2024年夏季为期一周的培训
  • CMI早期体验课程将于2024年8月结束/ 9月开始
  • 2024年夏季为期一周的工作,支持夏季桥梁
  • 在2024-25学年,每周工作8小时
  • 起薪为每小时15美元
  • 在大学活动中代表CMI办公室
  • CMI CORE大使只能参加暑期I课程

作为GSC的同伴导师, 你将在支持和留住女同性恋者方面发挥重要作用, gay, bisexual, transgender, 酷儿和其他非异性恋/非顺性(LGBTQ+)学生. GSC Peer Mentors meet with their mentees weekly on a one-on-one basis to assess and monitor academic and social progress.


  • 必须在2024年秋季和2025年冬季在公开大学全日制注册吗
  • 必须至少有3个.0 cumulative GPA
  • Must be in good disciplinary standing with the University and and (if applicable) Housing
  • 必须在2024年秋季之前进入大二,大三或大四优先
  • 必须具备负责任的领导能力
  • 必须有扎实的人际交往能力
  • 必须有很强的组织和时间管理能力
  • 必须是一个积极的榜样


  • 2024年7月或8月的三天训练
  • 每周与学员会面一次
  • 每月两次与性别研究生助理会面 & Sexuality Center
  • 代表GSC办公室参加迎新活动和其他大学活动
  • 2024-25学年每周工作1-4小时
  • 起薪为每小时15美元,每年回来加薪
  • 参加整个学年的培训课程和员工会议

Anticipated Hours:

  • 1-4 hours bi-weekly

作为GSC的前台工作人员, 你将在支持和留住女同性恋者方面发挥重要作用, gay, bisexual, transgender,  酷儿和其他非异性恋/非顺性(LGBTQ+)学生 and providing opportunities for LGBTQ+ affirming education and advocacy for all.  GSC Desk Workers greet visitors and help to create a supportive and accessible environment in the GSC. 任务包括接听电话和回复电子邮件, 从资源库中查看资料, 在大学活动和迎新活动中安排座席, and supporting the GSC Coordinator and Graduate Assistant with event planning, set up, facilitation, and take down. Desk workers may also be tasked with gathering and organizing resources and assisting students with resource referrals.


  • 必须在2024年秋季和2025年冬季在公开大学全日制注册吗
  • 在2024年秋季和2025年冬季必须符合勤工俭学资格
  • 必须至少有3个.0 cumulative GPA
  • Must be in good disciplinary standing with the University and (if applicable) Housing
  • Must be in sophomore standing by Fall 2024, sophomore or junior status preferred.
  • 必须具备负责任的领导能力
  • 必须有扎实的人际交往能力
  • 必须有很强的组织和时间管理能力
  • 必须是一个积极的榜样


  • 2024年7月或8月的三天训练
  • 代表GSC办公室参加迎新活动和其他大学活动
  • 在2024-25学年,每周在GSC工作3-12小时
  • 起薪为每小时15美元,每年回来加薪
  • 参加整个学年的培训课程和员工会议

Anticipated Hours:

  • 每周工作3-12小时(两周一次)

Admissions Ambassadors provide campus tours to prospective students and staff OU recruitment events. 大使也在招生办公室协助前台工作, telecenter, 一般的管理任务. Admissions Ambassadors are the most visible student leaders of the campus to visitors and the first impression of Oakland. 作为学生招生大使, 培养学生的沟通和表达能力, 了解机构, 并积极参与确保十大菠菜台子的未来. Student Admissions Ambassadors are supervised by Graduate Assistants and the Assistant Director of Campus Visits.


  • 必须在2024年秋季和2025年冬季在公开大学全日制注册吗
  • 必须至少有2个吗.累计平均绩点5分,并在就业期间保持
  • Must be in good disciplinary standing with the University and (if applicable) Housing
  • 必须在2024年秋季之前进入大二,大三或大四优先
  • 必须具备负责任的领导能力
  • 必须有很强的沟通和演讲能力


  • 秋季学期开始前的5个全天培训
  • 参加每月的团队会议
  • 每年参加3个强制性活动和6个额外的特别活动
  • 参与团队建设和专业发展活动
  • 每学期与研究生助理会面三次
  • 代表开放大学参加校内和校外活动(选择工作日晚上和周六)
  • Conduct campus tours, call center duties, office tasks, and other duties as assigned
  • 在2024-25学年,每周至少工作4小时
  • 起薪为每小时15美元,每年回来加薪

Anticipated Hours:

  • 每周4-10小时+特别活动 
DREAM Peer Coach

通过教育培养决心和韧性, Achievement, and Motivation (DREAM) Initiative is a student support system designed to ensure Detroit students are on a path to graduation. As a DREAM Peer Coach, 主要角色是支持和指导DREAM学生参与者, 帮助他们取得学业上的成功和个人成长. DREAM Peer Coaches will be responsible for meeting regularly with their assigned participants to build relationships, address concerns, 并提供学术支持. DREAM Peer Coaches will work under the supervision of the DREAM Initiative Coordinator, and will play a critical role in ensuring the success and retention of student participants.


  • 必须在开放大学全日制注册
  • 必须至少有3分吗.0 cumulative GPA
  • 必须在大学和宿舍有良好的纪律表现
  • 必须在2024年秋季之前进入二年级吗
  • 良好的人际关系 & communication skills
  • 必须展示知识和对学习策略的理解, study resources, and time management
  • 必须熟悉学术和校园支持服务/资源
  • 必须致力于公平和包容, and the ability to work effectively with students from diverse backgrounds and identities
  • 必须是一个积极的榜样


  • Must be present for three-day training in June (on-campus housing and meals are covered)
  • Represent the Enrollment Management and CMI office at orientations and other university events
  • 起薪为每小时15美元
  • 参加整个学年的辅助专业培训课程
  • 与DREAM协调员召开每两周的报到会议

Anticipated hours:

  • 2024-25学年每周10小时

Attend an Info Share session to learn more about the available positions (1 session is required)

  • 所有信息共享会话已完成. Please contact [email protected] 如果你有其他问题.

Attend Group Process 

  • This group interview is by invitation only after initial applications are reviewed.  You will be notified via email if you will be moving forward in the selection process.


  • These interviews are by invitation only as a result of your Group Process interview.  You will be notified via email if you will be moving forward in the selection process.


If you have questions about the Student Leader recruitment process, please feel free to email us at [email protected].

Yes. Students can hold multiple positions, but only one type of similar positions at the same time. 例如,学生可以成为OGL和CMI的同伴导师. 学生不能同时担任CMI核心大使和CMI同伴导师. Students cannot be both a DREAM Peer Coach and a CMI同伴导师或CORE大使.
What positions run during the summer months and which are during the school year?
  • The 迎新组长 positions are summer positions running between May and August.
  • CMI Peer Mentor, CMI CORE Ambassador positions run during the fall and winter semesters with training week/CORE Bridge week running during the summer
  • GSC同伴导师职位在秋季和冬季学期运行.
  • 招生大使有机会在秋季、冬季和夏季工作
  • DREAM Peer Coach positions run during the fall and winter semesters, with 3-day training in June.
  • CMI Peer Mentor - requires a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
  • CMI CORE Ambassador -要求至少2分.65 cumulative GPA
  • 迎新组长 - require a minimum 2.截至2022年秋季学期结束,累计GPA为75
  • GSC Peer Mentor -要求至少3.0 cumulative GPA
  • 佐治亚大学招生大使 (校园导游)-需要至少2.5 cumulative GPA
  • DREAM Peer Coach要求至少3分.0 cumulative GPA
  • Interested students must first attend an Info Session to learn about the various positions, 工资率和申请流程. 学生可以在网上填写申请表. 一份申请表可申请多个职位.
  • 一旦申请被审查, a limited number of students will be called back for a small group interview called Group Process. From there, the applicants will participate in individual interviews with the Center for Multicultural Initiatives, 性别与性学中心, 本科招生, 和/或新生培训计划.
我可以同时上课和工作吗? (我需要修多少学分才有资格?)
Since the 迎新组长 positions are full-time positions between May and August, 学生不能在暑期一期间上课, 但允许在暑期II期间上一节课. CMI职位要求学生在就业期间是公开大学的全日制学生.
有关CMI同伴导师或CORE大使职位的问题, 通过电话(248)370-4404或电子邮件与他们联系, [email protected].

有关迎新组长职位的问题, 通过电话(248)370-4653或电子邮件联系他们, [email protected].

关于GSC同伴导师或前台工作人员职位的问题, 通过电话(248)370-4336或电子邮件与他们联系, [email protected].

有关招生大使(校园导游)职位的问题, 请联系德鲁·哈夫,电话:(248)370-4467或电子邮件 [email protected].

For questions about the DREAM Peer Coach positions, contact Michelle Guinyard at (248) 370-3705 or [email protected].
The 职业与生活设计中心 offers a variety of resources to help you stand out amongst other candidates, such as 协助制作简历 and 面试小贴士.

在公开大学寻找更多的就业机会? 与我们的校园合作伙伴联系,探索工作选择. 点击下面的链接获取更多信息.


University Housing




额外的校园开放通过握手 (需要公开大学登录)-在线学生招聘板列表 


318 Meadow Brook Road
(location map)
(248) 370-3227

Office Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Orientation & New Student Programs
318 Meadow Brook Road
(248) 370-GOLD
[email protected]

Office Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.